Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013
Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013
Di utara….
Kulihat surga
membentang menghijau
Di balik tulang rusukmu
yang memberikan kekokohan
Dimana anak manusia
hidup dalam keagungan tuhan
Hidup dalam kesyukuran
Senin, 07 Oktober 2013
januari 2010 Malam itu saat aku mulai mengenal mu aku
sangat berharap supaya aku bisa memiliki mu seutuhnya, dan malam selanjutnya
aku memulai untuk beterus terang tentang perasaan ku, dan saat aku menyatakan
perasaan ini engkau
menjawab hanya maaf,
aku tak ingin pacaran aku hanya mengangap mu teman, jadi harapan hanya tinggal
berselang jarak setahun aku memilih seseorang lagi yang nan cantik dan sederhana, kedua kali membuat
hatiku berdebar – debar tak menentu, apakah ini yang di namakaan cinta pada
pandangan pertama.
hari aku pun memberanikan diri untuk medekatinya dan memulai cerita cinta ku, akupun minta nomer
handphonnya setelah beberapa hari untuk tidak penasaran dan takut ada yang duluan
nyambar emmm,
saat aku mau nyatakan
perasaan itu,ehhhhh memang benar di sambar duluan ma orang lain,,gagal lagi.
saat itu aku minder dan galau berat karna aku pikir aku tak akan bisa memiliki wanita
satupun yang akan mencintaiku,namun
jauh dari hati itu ada seseorang yang ngepen ma aku,dan aku pun mendekatinya
berkisar 3 hari aku bisa pacaran dengannya ehh
namun cuman berselang beberapa hari dia katakan “PUTUS” betapa hancur
hatiku,dan untungnya aku tak terlalu menyimpan
berat hatiku padanya.
mulai dari saat itu,semua wanita yang aku suka hanya cuman menjadi harapan saja
untuk aku miliki,karena ini lebih baik aku
hidup ngejomlo aja, dan aku pun membuat pepatah cinta dalam diriku ??? “punya pacar bikin sakit hati, dan endak punya pacar pun bikin sepi hati”..
serbi cinta”
say praise thanks god in god very one on mercy and our the god's guidance can
finish this working paper well, also to friends many push and give input to
build our working paper. not forget also to Mr Badarudin as teacher english for
tourism many help
working paper is equal to group working paper other that is stills to discuss
marriage ceremony, we
hope our working paper can be good culture science warehouse.
September, 20 2010
Marriage system that professed by sasak
tribe more aim to system indogami. Even at several places, especially in old
world, system indogami carried out tightly then give birth to to marry force
and eviction (sasak term bolang) towards “terutama” virgin. Although the
inclination indogami but system eksogami is not forbidden by custom.
But necessary registerred that sasak tribe
marriage custom, if may i say, experience distortion there here. This matter is
new values attack consequence, both for come from also from values west.
Although such this custom doesn't mean to lost, he still can be found at
regions that still strong run the custom custom. On the contrary at regions
religious and that custom the operative modern is just formality merely.
Actually found three sasak custom marriage
systems, that is: (1) perondongan, (2). Mepadik apply (to apply), (3) merarik
or selarian (elope)
1. Marriage custom process.
In course of marriage custom is known with
a few term as follows:
1. Merangkat
3. Selabar
4. Nuntut wali
5. Rebaq tip of a leaf, promise stanza,
nunas leader
6. Sedawuh
7. Shove to surender
8. Napak tilas (reply ones nae)
1. Merangkat
Merangkat that is a programme eats both a
part beginning from a marriage process, programme merangkat this, done in woman
bride candidate first night comes at gubug or at man bride candidate village.
In evening that's second bride candidate messes (to eat both) and accompanied
by one old woman or one of the close relative from man bride candidate
(formerly called inaq umbaq). Said merangkat because food that presented by
using one containing container one village chicken's egg grain, one one rice plate,
one one chicken burns roasted complete with the flavor (formerly the container
wears dulang strange and closed with tembolaq leaf duntal ruddle. At the (time)
of eat second bride candidate, they sit to face and man bride candidate best
tell about family situation, the village conditon, the village society conditon
and other other, mean so that woman bride candidate detect it to watch over
self pettishiness. In evening this bride candidate incoming, class young also
come to enliven programme with watching woman bride candidate while bring
cigarette, chicken, egg, sugar, coffee, tea and others to same – same reply
service or also plant service to second bride candidate.
Plant service means to give to second bride
candidate, because when later they certain marry be replied also with like
that, but not recorded as debt. If
happen is not given doesn't be troubleshoot.
Reply service means to reply bride
candidate kindness that at the (time) of unmarried ever help it, (service
accomodation is replied with service is called besiruan). In evening that also
all girl boys comes to mess together;with – same while make pinje – panje (teka
teki) in character humorist.
1. True
True mean really or actually. True be
information process that attributed to village government (woman bride
candidate origin village) to tell to village head (pengamong krame) then
continued information village head or keliang (caretaker krame).
Information contents (true) that said at village
head that is: “here one of the this village member is that nameds Ayu the daughter
of bpk. Rahman come from village
memelaq, that is Ayu (village member) leave this village 3 days ago with a
purpose to marry with member from village langko.
Information contents (true) that said at
village head (keliang) that is: “there one of the this village member is that
nameds Ayu the daughter of bpk. Rahman
come from this village, that is Ayu has left this village 3 days ago with a
purpose to marry with member from village langko, village mareje.
True can be done after 3 or selampat 5 days
after out from village or after taken by the husband candidate. In true
execution may relate to village government, if happen to deliver district so
can relate to village head and village head (keliang), but if happen one village but other keliang
so pelasanaan true can memnghubungi keliang, but if happen one village so true
can be done as announcement and can be done to process selabar.
1. Selabar
Selabar mean to disseminate news. Selabar
this done after true process finished is run and accepted well by village
government side or keliang, and prosese
selabar this enforceable to parents and woman bride candidate folks passes
keliang as family colleague as backer answers according to government exist in
village or village.
Information contents (selabar) that said at
woman bride candidate big family that is: “ada child, younger brother, elder
brother, brother that named pretty the child bpk. Rahman come from this
village, that is pretty has left house, mother, father with the brother all 3
days ago with a purpose to want to marry with the child bpk sahdan member from
village langko, village mareje.
1. Nuntut wali
Nuntut wali means: meet wali, insides execution
nuntut this wali, when does the essentials insides the custom process custom
all finished been talked about so wali be taken to marry off second bride
candidate sure with meeting result from woman bride candidate family both
parties and man bride candidate family. Wali at meet by several persons from
man bride side and memawa a pemuka religion, priest, teacher, or teacher monsieur,
1. Rebaq tip of a leaf, promise stanza,
nunas leader
Rebaq tip of a leaf, promise stanza, nunas
leader means to ask decency or spontanity to burdened.
This process a process form to takes woman
bride family side meeting result about pinansial fitting. This enforceable
whenever after there immediacy from man bride side, because this in character
special because talk about about matter. Rebaq tip of a leaf, promise stanza,
nunas this leader is carried out by true man bride side – true near with dares
to responsible on decision menyepakatinya. Insides this process is that can be
talked about about as follows: – matter or bande
- day determination gawe
- custom symbol aji krame with outdoor rule
aji krame and systems penyongkolan.
1. Sedawuh
Sedawuh come from word dawuh that: aba –
aba or command.
Sedawuh this done 7 days before day gawe.
Process sedawuh this carried out by man bride side that delegate 1 or 2 person
tell about developments or immediacy to endure custom work and most important
that talked about about day censistence (h) that day gawe, custom symbol aji
krame or outdoor rule aji krame and systems penyongkolan third that item is
there is no the change.
1. Shove to surender aji krame
Shove ari push, surender to mean
capitulation, aji mean levels value, krame mean rule.
Shove to surender aji krame mean a push to
second bride parents to extradite or release (to surender to accept) their
child for alive keeps so that second bride independent of their parents each
other. Insides process here's visible that parents second responsibility taking
over process and folks masing – masing in the case of pemiharaan or (nurse),
beside that also in course of shove to surender here's be session top krame
marriage custom to bangse boufant, because in this process must be attended by
elders, penglingsir, village head, and
village head (keliang) from second bride, custom session process confirmed that
is bride second is declared rightful have a husband wife and watchinged by
entire village societies even outdoor village (invitation guests)
1. Napak tilas (reply ones nae)
Napak tilas (reply ones nae) mean to return
to bersilaturrahmi.
Napak tilas (reply ones nae) this be a
process silaturrahmi between the two parents with folks from both parties
dengantujuan to acquaint bearer, and
this process is very necessary is carried out because during process by process
is done by messenger, so that not tau is it possible that that messenger ever
makes offended between both parties, so in napak tilas here's place mutual
forgive so that henceforth let us braid this family well.
In to doing marriage custom process
sasak tribe found several properties or custom symbol among others:
ð weak visible
Weak visible consists of two words that
is: visible mean real, appear, nyentuh
And weak mean soil / earth
Weak visible means real soil, that is us
all (alive human)s and big from soil result or earth and will return in full
view of to the ground.
Remind to all humans that human that
born at this world passes sacred process, human presents at this world naked
visible doesn't bring to what – what and lie down above land (of)
this weak visible is symbolized with valuable
thing (expensive), gold or money ringgit, this mean to birth this human has
selfrespect (level and dignity) very expensive the price.
ð olen – olen
Olen mean thread collection that at
process memnjadi cloth.
Olen melambang with cloth a aim to cover
genitals from bewborn human has worn cloth,
Concluded that ajikrame that symbolized
with money and cloth. Because human alive at this world is never quit of kepeng
and thread (cloth)
ð sesirah aji / brain bebeli
Sesirah aji come from word sirah that is
head. And sesirah aji / brain bebeli menyimbulkan as follows:
- bokor be epitomizing sebuag earth or
- white cloth is purity epitomizing
- black cloth custom epitomizing
- thread kataq be binder between
religion and custom exist in on world so that can be one, mean that religion and custom there [are] in one
container that is world so that must walk with same.
ð sali dede
Copy dede come from two words that is
copy and dede.
Copy to mean to change
Dede mean to bring up
Copy dede mean woman bride has changed
that underwrite to answer from all the alive need or there [are] person has taked
care and bring up that is the husband.
Copy dede this symbolized with a few
thing kind that is:
- ceraken
Be a
container found bebrapa lubag in it, ceraken and its contents symbol for
well-being the therapy systems tradisionally, so that when must must extradite
must mengisikan with sgala medicine ingredients kind – obatan and flavor –
- tepaq /
A container
the standard ingredient from soil that is to bathes baby branch and to
memghangat bew mother body gives.
- periuq
A made
container from soil that is for place to ari – ari bew baby borns and planted
with cooking pot. And many again the other process.
- semprong
A made tool
from bamboo bamboo that is used to toot fire at kitchen or also to toot fire at
the (time) of new mother finished give birth to can not there here so that he
toot fire exist in in front of it to warm up stomach part or calf that still
- belt anteng
A thread sese
or fabric made with approximately 3 or 4 meters to tie up bew mother stomach
finished give birth to so that the stomach not always swollen.
- long cloth
A long batik
cloth to remind us sewaktu still not yet can what – what us always sleep above gendongan
mother, with wear long cloth that's mother always carries us
- sesapah
A mother cud
rice place container its for soft seprti porridge but round formed and mewadah
that's that rice is put after mother chew it,
and also hold back from morning until evening rice will not stale so
that when even also baby the time want to eat rice ready on sesapah.
- colossal
A rice place
container for mother its for soft like porridge, but soft formed and menggadang
that's that rice is put after lifted from cooking pot, and also hold back from morning until evening
rice will not stale so that when even also mother the time want to eat rice
ready on lelanjaq (hook)
ð final word / pemegat
Every there
meeting always there parting such allegorized finally this word, because final
casing wacara discussion, so that final this word is symbolized with money
recehan, money here's called with witness's fee.
ð penjaruman / pemonggol /
tedung arat
Penjaruman /
pemonggol / tedung arat on jerih tired village head from formerly this woman
bride as his the member is even also comes to responsible with the member
security, penjaruman / pemonggol / tedung arat symbolized with money and
extradited to head dudun woman bride origin.
ð kebo turu
Kebo turu
symbolized with kris that consist of iron and this cover means iron man symbol
– man while woman symbol cover and second that symbol must be watched over the
honour don't until not the property iron menyarung and also not his the
property cover enters. Because iron and cover if pair must not just any ngambil
pair other cause battle will wear true kris.
Kris be
weapon and as honour completion and custom ceremony equipment and tool to
defend family (wife) if disturbed another person.
ð gaman village / pembukaq trap
Gaman sejata
and village village
Gaman village
is symbolized with weapon, that is weapon tumbak so that period formerly at
every has village weapon and all at once guard by lang – lang village.
With scarce
weapon has liked tumbak original so gaman village has been symbolized with
money, finance value appropriate local village regulation.
ð babas kuta / open kute
Babas kuta
everything treatment sewaktu administer to whatever always pass village so that
for society that take a that village member so must pay babas kuta usually be
called by village development village and other – other.
Our thank says to readers, in this working
paper arrangement is not loose from error. Either through expressly also
involuntary, according to redaksional also substansial. From that is us
intended criticism and suggestion from friends to repair and complete our
working paper.
Thank you
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